customs duty

英 [ˈkʌstəmz ˈdjuːti] 美 [ˈkʌstəmz ˈduːti]




  1. Composite assessable price= Customs dutiable value+ Customs Duty+ Consumption Tax
  2. Another provision would require the Customs and Border Protection agency to expeditiously investigate allegations of customs duty evasion.
  3. No Customs duty should be imposed on domestic value added.
  4. Customs duty is a toll payable on merchandise imported into the country.
  5. But after WTO, because of the customs duty's adjustment and quota's cancellation, competition appears superheating in the wristwatch industry with high degree marketability.
  6. Graphical Analysis of the Customs Duty Income Effect and Customs Rate
  7. Indirect taxes are imposed in the form of customs duty, excise and sales tax.
  8. "The consignee of import goods, the consignor of export goods and the owner of inward and outward articles shall be the obligatory customs duty payer."
  9. The administration of collection of customs duty, shipping tax and taxes collected by the Customs on behalf of the tax authorities shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions stipulated in the law or the administrative regulations.
  10. Failure to re-carry the articles registered and admitted into or out of the territory by the customs and temporarily exempted from the customs duty out of or into the territory;
  11. Import Adjustment Tax will be levied ( or a supplementary payment will be levied) by Customs authorities at the same time as Customs duty is levied.
  12. In case of replacement, the Contactor shall cover customs duty and transportation costs.
  13. The government today slashed customs duty on wheat imports from forty to ten percent.
  14. Mr Wallop has also been accused by Thai staff of ordering his baggage to be delivered to the lost and found baggage office to avoid customs duty, an allegation he denies.
  15. In case personal effects are sent into or out of the country by post by the personnel mentioned in the preceding paragraph; VAT on self-used articles brought or mailed into China by individuals shall be levied together with Customs Duty.
  16. The Customs duty was required to be recovered if such goods were sold, transferred or used for other purposes during the time period of supervision and control.
  17. Article 8 When Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises export commodities that are subject to export Customs duty, they shall pay the Customs duty according to regulations.
  18. Commodity enters beautiful national capital to need to sign up for customs duty, in China exit also needs to declare those who export duty, specific collect fees how many, decide according to the amount of commodity, you can contact particular case declare at customs row!
  19. Customs duty, inspection charge at unloading port, discharging charge to be borne by buyer.
  20. Credited against the assessed income tax Graphical Analysis of the Customs Duty Income Effect and Customs Rate
  21. To sell bonded goods imported under special permission and other goods under the customs supervision and control or foreign means of transport already within the territory without permission by the customs and payment of the customs duty.
  22. Inspection of cargo customs duty as a result of causing damage to the goods under investigation, the Customs shall provide for compensation for direct economic loss of the parties.
  23. Export tax consisits of only export customs duty ( ECD).
  24. Hello. the customs code of nut is: 08029049, customs duty rate is 24%, value added rate is 13%.
  25. The State Council Customs Tariff Commission shall determine and promulgate for implementation details of the types of goods subject to the special Customs duty, the duty rates and the time period when such levies commence and finish.
  26. Did you have to pay customs duty on that?
  27. Usually, any changes in excise duty are followed by similar changes in customs duty.
  28. When discussing the allocative effects, we discuss the cases under three kind of trade protection forms& import customs duty, the import quota and the export subsidy, and carried on it separately it under the cases of small country and the large nation.
  29. On the other hand, with the economic globalization and in the trade liberalization tide, since the use of customs duty and the traditional non-tariff barrier receives more and more limitation, trade protectionists have pursued new trade protection tools.



  1. money collected under a tariff

      Synonym:    customscustomimpost